
Precious metals


Selection of the best fire assay method for the accurate determination of total gold content in a sample is highly dependent on the nature of the sample matrix, the grain size and distribution of the gold and the objective of the analytical result. A wide variety of minerals and metals in moderate to high concentrations (such as chromite, base metal sulfides and oxides, selenides, and tellurides) can interfere with the fire assay process, generally leading to low precious metal recoveries. SAEL uses an optimal flux recipe and rigorous quality control program to handle all but the highest concentrations of these problem materials. With prior knowledge of the presence of these minerals and metals, SAEL can further modify the flux constituents to improve recoveries. When samples contain very high grade or coarse gold occurrences, the screen metallic procedure is recommended to help avoid over-or under-estimating gold grades. Custom method triggers can be set up for your project such that gold over a certain concentration will automatically be re-run using a higher-grade method, including screen gold analysis. SAEL can help you customize a gold assay program to meet your project needs.

Cyanide Leach

Bulk Leach Extractable Gold (BLEG) or cyanide leach procedures are used in grassroots exploration where cyanide extraction from a very large sample (500 g to 3 kg) can sometimes detect small gold anomalies that otherwise would go unnoticed. Cyanide leaching of samples 1 kg and greater is made by request.


Trace level and low-grade silver samples may be analyzed by acid digestion for maximum sensitivity and precision. Because silver, like gold, can suffer from nugget effect, occasional duplicate analysis of silver acid digestion methods may help detect sampling error at these low levels.

Platinum, Palladium & Other Precious Metals

Platinum, palladium and gold can together be determined by standard lead collection fire assay with ICP-AES finish. To quantify the full list of platinum group elements, use the nickel sulfide assay with neutron activation.